Updated try
I have updated the application and fixed some issues. The StepTalking application now supports Adium-like history recall with Alt+Up and Ald+Down keys. Also I have added the language selection menu (Note that the default installation contains only one language bundle).

Download the new disk image here. XCode projects for both, the framework and the application are included.
I would very much like to see a step-by-step guide on how to enable StepTalk scriptability in applications, so that I can provide a scripting interface.
Yes, I plan to do that, StepTalk is desperately missing documentation.
Anyway, how would you imagine to have scripting-enabled application from both: programmer's point of view and user's point of view? I mean, how would you like to have it?
Also, by scriptability in applications you mean also the user interface or only script execution?
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thank you
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